Sunday, January 18, 2009

Revising the Proposal

Updating this blog is really not natural to me. Searching for information, visiting Facebook to find out what's happening to my friends and ex-students and checking emails however is.

That was why it suddenly struck me as I was revising my CI proposal that I should update my blog, to note down in this journey the challenges and successes I experience.

1st challenge: Finding the motivation to revise the proposal. This weekend has been so tiring for me, having to attend a wedding dinner and celebrating Asher's birthday (twice!) that sitting down to do my PDCM work is least on my priority. Thank goodness I tied myself to it by telling Dr Towndrow I would send a revised version over tomorrow. I know if I set for myself a dateline like that, I better keep it.

Looking at the notes that I wrote during my discussion with Dr Towndrow revealed a very clear systematic approach to doing this action research. I have decided to use myself as the "test subject" and find out in this last module how writing is taught with the use of ICT and how assessment is done. All this to be made more consistent with 21st century skills and dispositions.

First thing first, completing the revision and sending it out and then off to Google and ERIC to look for related articles.

Wish me lots of luck (and focus)!

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